5 WordPress Shops that Respect Current Trends in E-commerce Design

E-commerce design is different in many ways, as opposed to web app or presentation website design. You need to know the basic rules of the game and pay extra attention to the all important UX.

One of the nice things about e-commerce sites is once you’ve launched one, you get to apply some pretty clear indicators that show its success. Sales, engagements on page or time on site are such indicators.

To get everything done right, you’ll need to do research to identify and understand your audience. Also, understanding and respecting current e-commerce trends is important. You may even need to embark on some A/B testing.

This king-sized ecommerce WP theme might just save the day. Much of what needs to be done has already been taken care of. Furthermore, with XStore, you have access to live chat support; so you can use your time more efficiently and effectively on other things.

5 Examples of Exceptionally Smart E-commerce Design

This good-to-go shop uses a smooth parallax effect to create a pleasant and relaxing user experience. Whitespace is used to full effect, as is the split screen principle. The parallax effect adds motion. Separate layers moving at different speeds, not only add depth, but contribute to what some call the “wow effect” to a website.


Split screens have also become widely used when dual messages or options are presented. Split screens are also used to add emphasis. One screen features an image, the other, a solid color with a simple headline or message, and basic information.

This XStore good-to-go shop takes full advantage of the Card design, an extremely popular modern design trend with many uses. Cards are major components in Material Design, a vibrant, content-focused design style. Implementing Material Design in an online store can be a challenge, but this is not true with Cards.

Card design works extremely well with responsive design applications. In addition, Cards are user-friendly (and designer-friendly as well). They make organizing products less of a chore, they make browsing easier, and they help visitors get the information they are looking for at a glance. As a design trend, the Card design is worthy of consideration.

Big background images are no stranger to modern websites. They have come into prominence in the e-Commerce domain as well. An excellent example of the use of background images is this one.

The large background images are used to convey depth and a feeling of relaxation. These images have been among the most engaging of modern website trends. It was only a matter of time before online stores began to discover that large background images could make almost any product appear more desirable. Large background images also give a website a much cleaner look, and in many cases, a sexier look as well.

The effective use of white space has been with us for some time, but it is still a hot design feature in both presentation and e-commerce websites. White space makes a website more usable, and its content more readable.

White space is relaxing. It gives users a break, and helps to prevent information overload. White space has a minimalist appeal that tends to draw visitors in, while clutter typically produces the opposite effect.

This good-to-go shop offers a prime example of why negative (white) space produces such a cool effect. It’s also easy to observe how it can add an emotional touch to any website.

To call this video header hot is almost an understatement. What’s so special about it, besides appearance? A header like this can transmit a great amount of information about a brand, in a clear, concise manner

XStore has found this to be a highly innovative way of using video, large typography, and sound, as a great storyteller to communicate its brand and make it stand out from the crowd.

Storytelling is a great way to bring what may be a stagnant brand to life. Check out this good-to-go shop to explore this delightful concept in greater depth.

XStore is a WP E-commerce Theme That’s Chock-Full of Goodies

XStore is a king-sized e-commerce theme featuring quality design and live support. XStore is the most abundant theme on the market in terms of the number of features designers can use. Its many features make work easier for the designer. It’s as easy as selecting a certain shop, customizing then adding content.

Five Major Features:

  1. Good-to-go Shops: XStore has 35+ of these. They give the designer plenty of options. They guarantee one option that will give the client significant value for money.
  2. Premium Plugins: $243 worth of premium plugins are included for free! Revolution Slider, WooCommerce, GMAPS, and more, give you a complete e-Commerce package.
  3. LiveChat Urgent Assistance: Another huge time saver! Any problems you may be facing will be resolved extremely fast. No more waiting for an e-mail.
  4. 200+ PSD Files: These highly customizable design files let you show your imagination.
  5. Advanced E-commerce Features: Product page options, hover effects, versatile header styles, and more. All designed to increase your conversion rates.

XStore was created with ease-of-use in mind, and to enable designers to have control over their design. There’s no need for coding skills or other technical skills. With XStore, you are guaranteed a stable code and a competitive product. The experienced 8Theme development team, XStore’s creators, has placed 20 products on Themeforest.

The 5 major features described above are just the tip of the iceberg; there are plenty of other goodies worth noting. They include built-in Mega Menus, different Blog Layouts, Video On, Catalog Mode, and WPML Ready.

Give XStore a spin and you’ll see what a king-sized theme brings in terms of comfort and reliability.

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